In the morning, we will leave in the direction of the archaeological site of Ek Balam, which, judging by the size and quality of its buildings, was a political entity of great wealth and prosperity. At the end of the visit, we will enjoy a refreshing swim in one of the cenotes in the area. We will continue on to the colonial city of Valladolid for a panoramic tour. In the afternoon, we will continue to the archaeological site of Chichen Itza, an enigmatic place, declared a World Heritage Site and recognized as one of the new seven wonders of the modern world. After lunch, we will continue to Merida, capital of the state of Yucatan, known as the “White City”. Check-in at the hotel.
Breakfast. In the morning, we begin our tour, visiting the heart of the Yucatecan Capital. Panoramic tour of the Plaza Mayor, the Casa Montejo, the Cathedral of San Idelfonso, the Government Palace, the Episcopal Palace, among others. We will continue along the legendary Calle 60, until we reach the famous Paseo Montejo, an example of the splendor of Yucatan's Golden Age. After the visit we will continue to the archaeological site of Uxmal, one of the most beautiful archaeological zones of the Puuc Route. The grandeur of the Pyramid of the Soothsayer, the magnificent friezes of the Nun's Quadrangle, the shells of the Turtle Building, the ball game and the panoramic views from the Temple of the
Governor, speak of the importance of this Mayan architectural complex. Lunch. In the afternoon, we will take the road to Campeche and have the rest of the afternoon free. Check in at the hotel.
Breakfast.In the morning, we will begin our panoramic tour of the historic center of San
Francisco de Campeche, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1999. We will visit the main attractions of the city: Colonial mansions, museums, San Miguel Fort, San José, the Cathedral, Independence Square, San Carlos Bastion, Puerta de Tierra, San Román Church, among others. At the end of the tour, we will continue along the coast of Campeche until we reach Palenque. Lunch in route. Arrival in Santo Domingo de Palenque and rest of the afternoon at leisure. Check in at the hotel.
Breakfast. Today we will visit the archaeological site of Palenque, one of the most important sites of the Mayan World, we will visit the famous Pyramid of the Inscriptions where the sarcophagus of King Pakal was found, with a tombstone engraved in relief, the Temple of the Foliated Cross, the Temple of the Sun and the Palace. After the visit we will enter the jungle to discover one of the most beautiful natural sanctuaries: Misol ha, a waterfall of approximately 25 meters high, natural scenery. In the afternoon, return to Santo Domingo de Palenque. Accommodation.
Breakfast. In the morning, departure to the border between Mexico and Guatemala, El Ceibo. After the migratory procedures, we continue to the Peten jungle. Accommodation.
Breakfast. Today we will visit the Mayan city of Tikal, the jewel of the Classic Mayan World. Picnic lunch inside the archaeological site. Transfer to Flores airport to take a flight to Guatemala City. Transfer to the hotel. Check-in at the hotel.
Breakfast. Departure to the Guatemalan highlands to the town of Chichicastenango, where we will visit one of the most famous indigenous markets in all of Latin America. This day we will have an experiential visit, where we will have a workshop with the local women to learn
how to make corn, the staple food of Guatemala. After the visit we will continue to Lake Atitlan, which Huxley said to be the most beautiful lake in the world. Accommodation
Breakfast. Today we will take a boat to visit two of the twelve villages that surround this beautiful lake. We will visit the Tzutuhil village of San Juan La Laguna, characterized by the harmony in which its inhabitants coexist with nature and culture. We will continue to Santiago Atitlán, a town inhabited by Tzutuhil Indians who live from fishing and handicrafts, although they are better known as worshipers of a Mayan-Catholic deity they call Maximón. Overnight.
Breakfast. Departure to the city of La Antigua Guatemala. On the way, we will visit the archaeological site of Iximché, ancient Mayan capital of the Cakchiquel kingdom. Upon arrival in La Antigua, orientation visit of this colonial city declared a World Heritage Site, we will visit the Cathedral, La Merced Church, the Central Plaza and its main streets
and monuments. Lodging.
Breakfast. We will have the day at leisure to enjoy La Antigua, strolling through the
cobblestone streets, appreciating its architectural styles of yesteryear or
resting in the hotel facilities. As an optional activity, during the morning,
we recommend an excursion to the Pacaya Volcano. Lodging.
Transfer to Guatemala City airport.
End of services.
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